

Hamburg Digital

With the “Hamburg Digital” funding program, the IFB Hamburg supports the digital transformation of small and medium-sized companies in the Hamburg economy with consulting and investment services.

In the age of accelerated digital transformation, all companies need a clear idea of which digital projects need to be implemented in order to maintain competitiveness and leverage growth potential. The “Hamburg Digital” funding program supports the transition to new digital systems and business models, thereby helping to improve competitiveness and increase security in the use of information and communication technologies.


The funding is divided into two modules. In the first module, expenses for consulting service providers that have received certification under the federal “go-digital” program are funded. In the second module, funding is provided for investments in implementing the strategies and concepts developed. The funding covers both expenditure on ICT hardware and software and expenditure on external service providers required to implement the measures.


For our exis­ting cust­o­m­ers, we can check their eli­gi­bi­li­ty for fu­ture projects. At the same time, po­ten­ti­al new cust­o­m­ers also get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know us at an in­tro­duc­to­ry price, es­pe­cial­ly as part of an in­iti­al pro­ject. For this purpose, howe­ver, the com­pa­nies must be le­gal­ly in­de­pen­dent small and me­di­um-si­zed en­t­er­pri­ses in the com­mer­ci­al sec­tor or the trade.

In ad­di­ti­on, the fol­lo­wing cri­te­ria apply (an ex­cer­pt):

  • fewer than 100 em­ployees
  • pre­vious year’s re­ve­nue or a pre­vious year’s ba­lan­ce sheet total of no more than EUR 20.00 mil­li­on
  • per­ma­nent re­si­dence or branch of­fice in Ger­ma­ny
  • eli­gi­bi­li­ty for fun­ding under the de mi­ni­mis re­gu­la­ti­on

Pro­vi­ded that the preli­mi­na­ry ex­ami­na­ti­on is po­si­ti­ve and you have decided in favor of us as an authorized con­sul­ting company, we will work with you to pre­pa­re the fun­ding ap­p­li­ca­ti­on.

In con­cre­te terms, the fun­ding means the fol­lo­wing for you in mo­ne­ta­ry terms:

  • Expenditures for consulting services are subsidized with 50% up to a maximum subsidy amount of 5,000 €.

More info about this funding

Visit the website of the Federal Ministry of Health for more information about this funding.

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